Why High Sex Drive

Why High Sex Drive
Why High Sex Drive


Changes in sex drive, or libido, are normal and can occur due to changes in hormones.

 However, having a high sex drive can become a problem if it starts getting in the way of daily functioning.

It is important to note that there is no definition of a “normal” sex drive, and what one person sees as a high sex drive may seem normal to someone else.

Many people are curious about the nature of their sex drive. There are some underlying causes of a high sex drive. 

What is sex drive?

Sex drive, otherwise known as libido, refers to a person’s desire for sexual activity and arises from the basic biological need to reproduce.

It is a normal feeling that anyone can experience, whether a person wants to reproduce or not.

Levels of libido exist on a spectrum, from no desire for sex at all to wanting to engage in sexual activity very often.

Having a high sex drive is not a problem unless it excessively preoccupies a person’s thoughts. For example, a person might wish to reduce their sex drive if it nterferes with their work, social life, sleep, or health affects their mental health. It is difficult to feel satisfied, no matter how much sexual activity they have. It affects the quality of their relationships and causes them to seek “risky” sex. 

What constitutes a normal sex drive differs for everyone, and people are likely to desire sex more at different times in their lives.

Sex drive depends on factors such as: Age, mental health status, energy levels, physical health status, relationship status, social interactions, medication, alcohol, or drug use. 

Age and hormones
Hormonal changes play a big role in sexual desire.For young people, hormonal surges caused by puberty can trigger feelings of sexual desire for the first time. Hormones will continue to affect a person’s libido throughout their life. 

Mental health
Stress levels can also influence how sexually charged a person feels.

In times of high stress, some people might feel low sexual desire, while others might seek sexual satisfaction as a stress reliever.

Physical fitness and energy levels
ResearchTrusted Source has found that physically fit people are more likely to desire sex and enjoy heightened arousal and better orgasms.

Having enjoyable sexual experiences, either with others or through masturbation, might also lead to an increased desire for sex. Intimacy between sexual partners has been shown to have a significant effectTrusted Source on the male sex drive.

On the other hand, if a person is unable to feel satisfied — either through a lack of sex or unsatisfying sexual experiences — their sex drive might also increase.

Substance use
Alcohol consumption lowers inhibitions, which might increase libido in the short term. However, alcohol dependency might decrease sexual arousal, performance, and satisfaction.

The use of stimulant drugs, such as cocaineTrusted Source, may also increase sexual desire but has links to increased “risky” sex in men who have sex with menTrusted Source and in young adultsTrusted Source.

The female reproductive system
Sexual desire can fluctuate throughout the menstrual cycle and often peaks around the time of ovulation. 

Every person has their own sex drive. A number of factors may cause it to increase or decrease. People may use the term “high sex drive” to mean an increase in desire for sex.

Sex drive, or libido, refers to a person’s desire to engage in sexual activity. A low libido refers to a decreased desire relating to sex, while a high libido is an increase in desire for sex.

Causes of higher sex drive
Some reasons that a person may have a higher sex drive include:

Exercising: One study suggests that people who engage in physical activity tend to have higherTrusted Source sex drives.
Drug-taking: Stimulant drugsTrusted Source, such as cocaine, can cause an increase in libido.
Changes in neurotransmitters: Dopamine is a neurotransmitter. People with Parkinson’s disease may receive dopamine replacement therapy. This can cause hypersexuality and sexual compulsions.
Testosterone: Some older research suggests there may be a link between higher testosterone levels in men and higher sex drives.

Causes of lower sex drive
There are many reasons a person could have a lower sex drive, including:

Studies looking at female libido highlight that during menopause, sexual hormones decrease. This can cause a decline in sex drive and arousal.

Culture and religion
People who are subject to highly restrictive religious or cultural beliefs may have lower levels of sexual desire.

Mental health
Studies have found that males and femalesTrusted Source with mental health conditions, such as anxiety or depression, may have a higher risk of sexual dysfunction. This can lead to a decrease in sex drive.

Sex drive may fluctuate as a person ages. One reviewTrusted Source highlights that once people reach the age of 60, there is a decrease in libido.

There is some research to suggest that a link exists between obesity and sexual dysfunctionTrusted Source, which may lead to a lower sex drive.

Chronic conditions
Chronic conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease, can cause sexual dysfunction, which may reduce sex drive.

One study highlights that both the biological effects of diabetes, such as nerve damage, paired with the psychological effects, such as self-image and tiredness, can decrease libido.

One study found that women tended to reduceTrusted Source their sexual activity during pregnancy. One of the main reasons for this was a decrease in their libido.

Relationship satisfaction
One study found that the libido of some females may decrease, depending on their satisfaction with the relationship.

Medicines or treatments may cause a decrease in a person’s sex drive. Some of these include:

Chemotherapy: In males, chemotherapy may reduceTrusted Source testosterone levels, which leads to a decrease in their sex drive. For females, chemotherapy may also cause the libido to lessen, as it can cause the early onsetTrusted Source of menopause.

Female hormonal contraceptive: A review of women and hormonal contraceptives highlights that the following contraceptive methodsTrusted Source may decrease libido:

contraceptive ring
Antidepressants: A historical look into antidepressants and sexual dysfunction suggests they may decrease sex drive.

Learn more about causes of a low libido.

How to increase sex drive
Some people can try the following methods to help increase their sex drive:

Sex therapy
A sex therapist can assist with sexual problems. While they can help increase sex drive, they can also support people to achieve orgasm.

Increase sleep
A study found that longer sleep duration in females led to a higher level of next-day sexual desire.

Herbal aphrodisiacsTrusted Source, such as yohimbine and Eurycoma longifolia, may help to increase male sex drive. Certain foods such as strawberries, chocolate, and raw oysters could also have aphrodisiac properties.

People may increase their libido through exerciseTrusted Source, mindfulness, and yoga.

Testosterone therapy
Testosterone therapy in older males has shown it could help them regainTrusted Source sexual desire.

Research that explores testosterone treatment and sexual desire in females varies. A 2016 studyTrusted Source argues it is unlikely to increase female sexual desire, however, another study suggests that it can boost libido in females.

More research is necessary to establish the effects of testosterone and sex drive in females.

Learn more about ways to boost libido.

What is a normal sex drive?
It is best to view sex drive as a spectrum. What someone may consider normal, may be different for another person. Sex drive can also fluctuate, leading to a higher or lower libido.

In some cases, a person’s sex drive may become extremely high, or extremely low. This may develop into a sexual functioning disorder, which can include:

If a person is worried about any changes in their libido, they should discuss this with their doctor.

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