University Don Challenge Politicians On Corruption

University Don Challenge Politicians On Corruption
University Don Challenge Politicians On Corruption

Professor Oyewale Tomori, a renowned virologist and elder statesman, is calling on Nigerian politicians to step up and lead by example. He's urging them to shun corrupt practices and instead prioritize serving the people. Tomori emphasizes that leaders who can't resist pressure to steal should resign, as they're not fit to lead ¹.

He's concerned that Nigeria's current leadership crisis makes it hard for the younger generation to find role models. Tomori reminisces about the past, when leaders were worthy of admiration. "In those days, we had people to look up to. Who wants to be like these leaders today?" He can't even encourage his grandchildren to emulate today's leaders, citing widespread corruption ¹.

Tomori shares a striking anecdote about a politician who wanted to serve the people but succumbed to pressure and started doling out money. When the politician gave N10,000 to his followers, they demanded more. Tomori's take? "Stop deceiving yourself. You wanted to be a thief from the start." He believes leaders should stand firm against pressure and resign if they're not willing to compromise their values ¹.

The celebrated professor also decries the culture of celebrating corrupt leaders, noting that this erodes societal values. "When a thief becomes a chief, there's a problem." He's alarmed that thieves are granted pardons, undermining accountability ¹.

*Key Takeaways from Professor Tomori's Message:*

- *Lead by Example*: Politicians must shun corruption and prioritize serving the people.
- *Resign if Necessary*: Leaders who can't resist pressure to steal should step down.
- *Accountability Matters*: Corrupt leaders should face consequences, not celebration.
- *Societal Values*: Celebrating corrupt leaders erodes societal values and undermines trust.

Professor Tomori's words serve as a wake-up call for Nigerian leaders to reflect on their actions and prioritize the people's interests.

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