In recent times, we have been visited with news of the sudden death of stakeholders in the Football Family. We have heard cases of players who slumped and died. Some were struck by ailments and their mortal bodies succumbed to the reality of death as the terminal point of human journey on this terrestrial abode. 
The Football Coaches, referees, workers in the Football ecosystem were not spared. "O death, where is thy sting?". It is from one scenario to another. It refused to stop.

While members of the Football Family were still mourning, there came another rude shock. It was Honourable Ekene Abubakar Adams, who was Chairman, House of Representatives Committee on Sports. We were still mourning and another news came that founder of the defunct Iwuanyawu Nationale Football Club of Owerri, Chief Emmanuel Iwuanyawu passed on at the age of 82 years. As if that was not enough, 13 hours after Senator Ifeanyi Ubah expressed his condolences on the demise of Chief Emmanuel Iwuanyawu, another heartbreaking news of the death of the sports loving Senator and Football Club proprietor was awash in the media space. When shall death be swallowed up in victory? The time is not now. In due time, it shall happen.

One thing is sure. It is established that man is a mortal being and shall keep appointment with death at a time unknown to the victim. No man or woman witnessed when he or she was born and in the same vein will not know when death will come knocking. The very good advantage every man or woman have is the period between their birth and death. This period is sufficiently available for the benefactor to either choose to do good or evil. That is why I cherish a hymn which says in part that, "Only remembered by what you have done".

I remember the commitment and the sacrifice of all the Football Fallen Heroes. I remember that some of them did not get economic or financial benefits from Football. I am talking about the Fallen Heroes in Football. I am not talking only about those who occupied high offices. I am talking about those I can remember. You know them too even in your communities. Football Administrators, Coaches, Players, Sports Journalists, Supporters Club members and others who are indeed football stakeholders from grassroots level to international level that have exited this world. I present this dirge to them.

The recent occurrences are very fresh in our minds. I salute the exploits of late Hon. Ekene Abubakar Adams. He rose from playing football to the enviable position of law making and served as the Chairman, Sports Committee, House of Representatives. 
I remember Chief Emmanuel Iwuayanwu, the Proprietor of Iwuayanwu Nationale Football Club of Nigeria which did exploit in Football in Nigeria and African Continent. I remember the Air disaster at Tamansaret that claimed the lives of some members of the Club. Chief Iwuayanwu spent his resources to develop and promote players, including giving Nigeria a good image.
I remember Senator Ifeanyi Ubah. He suddenly appeared on the Football scene. He blossomed like the sun flower with his pet project, FC Ifeanyi Ubah and when we expected him to flourish like the palm tree, the Club fizzled out. However, he remained a committed member of the Football Family in Nigeria. Without doubt, Senator Ubah had a lot to accomplish in Football but the cold hands of death took hold of him. "O death, where is thy sting". I am remembering the Fallen Football Heroes for what they have done while alive. 

To those of us who are alive, what shall we be remembered for? I don't need to list good or bad deeds. Without mincing words, we know that there is more of wrong doings in Football than righteousness. Whichever one you are involved in, it's a matter of time, the referee shall sound the whistle for the end of the game. Whether we lose the game or win, we will be remembered by what we have done.
May the souls of all the departed Football Fallen Heroes rest in perfect peace.

This is a dirge by Spectator.


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