UNIZIK: Academic Planning Unit Director, Prof. Ufele-Obiesie Set to Deliver 103rd Inaugural Lecture

UNIZIK: Academic Planning Unit Director, Prof. Ufele-Obiesie Set to Deliver 103rd Inaugural Lecture
UNIZIK: Academic Planning Unit Director, Prof. Ufele-Obiesie Set to Deliver 103rd Inaugural Lecture


By Ikenna Nwokedi 

The Director of Academic Planning Unit, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Professor Angela Nwogor Ufele-Obiesie is set to deliver the 103rd Inaugural Lecture of the institution.

The proposed 103rd inaugural lecture series with the topic: "Impact of Nutrition on Endocrine System" will hold on Thursday, 4th July 2024 commencing by 1pm at the University Auditorium.

Inaugural Lecture which is part of the academic fest cum ritual in an ivory tower is where scholars who have ascended to the zenith of their academic career takes the stage in a gathering of both town and gown to profess their chosen line of study based on their academic discipline.

Prof. Ufele-Obiesie who is set to deliver the 103rd inaugural lecture is a Professor of Animal Physiology in the Department of Zoology, UNIZIK. 

The scholar who joined the University in 2005 and rose to the rank of a Professor in 2018 has over 50 publications in reputable journals both local and internationally. She has successfully supervised more than 10 PhD/M.Sc Research Dissertations and Thesis.

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