Traffic Flows Freely As Opobo Junction Ogbor-Hill Aba Wears New Look

Traffic Flows Freely As Opobo Junction Ogbor-Hill Aba Wears New Look
Traffic Flows Freely As Opobo Junction Ogbor-Hill Aba Wears New Look

By: Chuks Ogbu


As part of his desire to enhance the level of sanity in his Local Council, The Mayor Obingwa LGA Chief Eric Egwuibe and his team of workers led by the  Chief of staff Mr Duke Ugoala has commenced activities aimed at decongesting the ever busy Opobo junction Ogbor-Hill Aba.

The busy junction which before now was known for it's steady gridlock  especially during morning and evening rush hours has  since resumption of work this year  experienced a facelift.

On the spot report shows that the junction has been decongested and the road side traders who usually litter their wares  along the road are no longer in such act, thus enabling the free flow of traffic at the junction.

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