Things Your Ex Do To Show He Still Loves You

Things Your Ex Do To Show He Still Loves You
Things Your Ex Do To Show He Still Loves You


An ex as is refer to a former sexual or romantic partner, especially a former spouse. Breaking up is hard, especially if you were madly in love with the person. Well, the harsh truth is that things don’t always work the way we expect them to.

Also, it is worth noting that the first relationship barely works. If he/she was your first, it is okay to look for someone else who can understand you better. Don’t cry because it’s over, there still may be a chance that your ex still loves you. Here are 4 signs that your ex still loves you;

1. Reminiscing About the Happy Times

If he/she is still remembering the good old days together, then that’s a clear indication that they still love you despite the breakup. He/se may be reconsidering to taking you back.

2. Your Ex Tends to Send Mixed Signals

This is the strongest indicator that they still in love with you and cannot seem to let go. Keep your options open, to getting back into the relationship. If your, ex is doing this, then that means they are not fully ready to let go.

3. Your Ex Remains Angry, Emotional or Upset for Weeks or Months After Breakup

I know this may seem somewhat controversial. But often this is a great sign that your ex still loves you. If you didn’t do anything drastic to hurt your ex like cheating on them, then your ex is holding feelings of resentment and stays being angry then that is a positive sign showing emotion investments and feelings towards you. If you want to win your ex back, you will have to make them let go of these feelings.

4. Your Ex Tries to Maintain Regular Contact With You

If your ex tries to still keep contact with you then that means that feelings are still there. If you have tried ignoring your ex, but they constantly try to reach out, then that’s a clear indication that he/she still loves you. The longer this happens, after your breakup the more it suggests that your ex wants you back.

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