SPECTATOR* *JOSE PESEIRO:* *A Coach waiting to be retained or sacked.*

SPECTATOR*    *JOSE PESEIRO:* *A Coach waiting to be retained or sacked.*
SPECTATOR* *JOSE PESEIRO:* *A Coach waiting to be retained or sacked.*


The most difficult job to do in Nigeria is either to be the President of the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) or you are appointed Head Coach of the Super Eagles or any of the National Teams.

This is so because of what Football means to Nigeria and Nigerians. It is the only factor that keep Nigerians united. They have the passion. An average Nigerian is a Coach and Analyst. Football has become a lot of things to Nigerians, particularly the youths. Jokingly, some also refer to it as youth empowerment as a result of betting. Did you hear that? I am only orchestrating what I heard from analysts. Go to the newspaper stand and listen to arguments about football, you will have something to take home. Don't write off these unofficial group of analysts. They are informed, versatile, knowledgeable. You can gain something from them when they begin to analyse the foreign leagues, the African football ecosystem and Nigeria. You will doff your hat for them.

Let's see the difficult office of NFF President. It involves much struggle to be elected president of the Nigeria Football Federation. When you finally get there, you are confronted with so many other struggles. Since government plays a huge role in funding of football activities in Nigeria, it is likely that the saying that, "he who pays the piper dictates the tune" applies in the running of the game. The NFF President and the board members must be tactical and strategic enough to ensure that they have a smooth working relationship with their paymaster. The other paymaster is the Federation of International Football Associations (FIFA). You must expend their financial support according to their guidelines. Sponsors and partners in different categories are also paymasters in their own ways. They expect the kind of service for their money. Other paymasters particularly the stakeholders are more critical because they will not listen to excuses. No failures. They will tell you that you are spending tax payers money. Their mindset is, you go if you fail to deliver their expected result. The President of NFF will receive the bashing from the paymasters. He carries the burdens of the Nigeria Football Federation. He may even face the wrath of Board members through impeachment especially if there is external influence for such an action. Therefore, the occupant of the office must be strong, proactive, anticipate, prevent and manage crisis. I don't envy the occupant of the office. It is a difficult job. However, if you have capacity, it's a high profile job.

I just remembered that I am writing about Jose Peseiro, the Coach of the Super Eagles of Nigeria. This job is most difficult. You are criticized day and night. Some people have concluded and taken their position about the occupant of the office. He must deliver. He is under pressure. If you don't deliver, you are fired. Another difficult job. The occupant must have capacity to absorb the constructive and destructive criticisms that the office attracts. It is another difficult job but it's also a high profile job. I want to at this juncture remind us about my write up before AFCON 2023 titled: "If Jose Peseiro wins AFCON 2023........."
Peseiro got very close to winning the AFCON 2023.  Now, positions are divided whether Jose Peseiro is to be retained or sacked. This "ball" is currently being played in public space but a position will be taken when his employers are ready to do so.

Let me quickly run a summary of Jose Peseiro record of performance since he started managing the Super Eagles. This may not be detailed but it provides adequate information for decision making. Let's read:

May 29, 2022 Mexico 2 vs Nigeria 1.

June 3, 2022 Ecuador 1 vs Nigeria 0.
June 9, 2022 Nigeria 2 vs Sierra Leone 1.
June 13, 2022 Sao Tome and Principe 0 vs Nigeria 10.
Sept 27, 2022 Algeria 2 vs Nigeria 1.
Nov 10, 2022 Costa Rica 2 vs Nigeria 0.

Nov, 2022 Portugal 4 vs Nigeria 0.
Mar 24, 2023 Nigeria 0 vs Guinea-Bissau 1.
Mar 27, 2023 Guinea-Bissau 0 vs Nigeria 1.
June18 2023 Sierra Leone 2 vs Nigeria 3.

In AFCON 2023, Jose Peseiro led the Super Eagles to play Seven (7) matches. They won Five (5) matches, drew One (1) match and loss to host country Cote d'Ivoire  2-1 in the finals. Captain of the Super Eagles, Troost Ekong emerged as Player of the Tournament. Good result, many will say so but Nigeria did not win the trophy. The Super Eagles came home with the silver medals as runners up.

What is the fate of Jose Peseiro? Will he be retained as Coach of the Super Eagles or he will be told to go? Whichever ever decision will be taken, I believe, will be justifiable and in the best interest of Football in Nigeria.
Whatever the decision may be, Jose Peseiro for now is waiting either to be retained or sacked.


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