SESC leadership crisis : Dagana optimistic of favourable Court Judgement

SESC leadership crisis : Dagana optimistic of favourable Court  Judgement
SESC leadership crisis : Dagana optimistic of favourable Court Judgement

A chieftain of the Super Eagles Supporters Club, Dr. Johnson Dagana said he's optimistic his group  will get favourable judgement in  the court case involving them and the pioneer  National Chairman, Prince Vincent Okumagba.

The club has been in court following elections which brought in Dagana as the National Chairman which Okumagba rejected and challenged  the processes leading to the polls.

Dagana told our correspondent that after the expiration of the  tenure of  Okumagba, the club organised an election in Abuja to elect new leaders that will pilot the affairs of the club and he was duly elected  by the members but surprisingly, Okumagba rejected the outcome of the election, claiming that as the founder of the club, he will continue to be at the helm of affairs.

" It's unfortunate that Okumagba is seeing himself as a life chairman of the club forgetting that the club does not belong to one individual.

" How can one explain that we organised a peaceful election in the country's seat of power, Abuja in which I was massively elected  and Okumagba turned around to reject the result because he felt that the club is his personal property.

" I wouldn't like to say much because the matter is already in Court  but one thing I know is that victory will surely come our way because a single individual cannot claim ownership of  a club that is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission,  has a constitution and  membership  from different background,  region, belief and way of thinking 

" It's equally important to state that members of a club or an association determines who governs them and not a single individual who will sit down in the comfort of his home and be lording it over others.

" What we did by approaching the Federal High Court in Abuja is for the Court to determine whether an individual can claim ownership of a club, perpetuate himself in office as well as  singlehandedly reject an election organised by members  and we're hopeful  the Court will grant our prayers and all the relief we sought and from there, we'll  move  on another pedestal", he stressed.

On whether his supporters have plans of floating another club if they lose the case, he stated emphatically that with the way the litigation is going, he's sure of victory when the presiding judge delivers his judgement.

" The issue of forming another club does not exist because we believe in the country's judicial system. I know that with the facts our Lawyer has presented before the Court  that by the time the Court looks at the merit of our case, we'll get a favourable judgement", he concluded.

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