Sabinus Appreciates Burna Boy

Sabinus Appreciates Burna Boy
Sabinus Appreciates Burna Boy

Comedian Sabinus appreciates Burna boy for giving a boost to his career. According to him, "Performing at the London stadium was the biggest 1-minute of my career!! 
Thanks Burna Boy. 
Burna Boy paid me $100k to perform for 1-minute and still paid for my flight to and fro London." Sabinus
"When Burna Boy called me to come perform at the London Stadium, I thought he was joking and I just laughed. 
But I was shõcked when he called me 2 days to the show and said "My bro, pack your bags because a private jet is gonna pick you up tomorrow." 
That was when I believed that he was actually serious so I ironed my favorite blue shirt and black trouser with my expensive shoe and packed a few things. On that day, I went to the airport and his private jet picked me up as promised. That was actually the first day I ever got into a private jet for free. When we got to London, I thought that maybe I was gonna perform at the after party but Burna Boy told me that I was gonna open the stage for him. When I came out before 80k people, I almost lõst conscîousness because I've never performed before such a huge audience. Burna Boy paid me handsomely. 
I will always be grateful to Burna Boy." he concluded.

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