Rethinking Football Management in Nigeria: A Call to Action

Rethinking Football Management in Nigeria: A Call to Action
Rethinking Football Management in Nigeria: A Call to Action




Monday Nas Ozoya


As I reflect on the current state of football in Nigeria, concerns about our management systems and their adaptability to recent challenges keep me awake at night. There are divergent views on the path forward: some are content with the status quo that benefits them, others await their turn to reap similar benefits, and yet another group advocates for a radical overhaul of our football management to benefit the nation.


The real question we face today is: What actions are the Sports Minister, the Nigerian Football Federation (NFF), and the state Football Associations (FAs) taking to support football clubs at all levels, especially those hit hard by the economic impacts of COVID-19, subsidy removals, and escalating living costs?


Critical Areas Needing Immediate Attention:


1. Funding Opportunities: How are we facilitating access to financial resources to help clubs manage the increased cost of operations? We must explore diverse funding avenues to sustain our clubs.


2. Innovative Fundraising Strategies: What effective fundraising mechanisms are being implemented? This is crucial for generating the necessary capital to survive and thrive in these challenging times.


3. Recruitment and Retention: With the ongoing economic strain, retaining and recruiting new talent have become more challenging. What strategies are we implementing to ensure our clubs remain competitive and attractive to current and prospective players?


4. Organisational Structure and Governance: Effective governance is the backbone of any successful football system. How are we ensuring that our organisational structures are robust, transparent, and conducive to the long-term health of football in Nigeria?


The Need for Collective Action


The sustainability of football clubs in Nigeria requires a concerted effort from all stakeholders. We must collaborate to build an ecosystem that supports the growth and sustainability of football across the nation. Every effort counts, and it is high time we align our actions with the broader needs of our football community.


Closing Thoughts


As we navigate these challenging times, our actions today will define the future of football in Nigeria. I am committed to this cause and call upon each of you to play your part in fostering a resilient and thriving football culture.


Yours in sports development,


This call to action is about immediate survival and restructuring our approach to football management in Nigeria to create a robust, transparent, and sustainable system that benefits all, not just a few. Let us commit to a unified strategy that fosters long-term prosperity and inclusivity in Nigerian football.

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