Prostrate Enlargement And Its Symptoms

Prostrate Enlargement And Its Symptoms
Prostrate Enlargement And Its Symptoms

Do you experience frequent urination and sudden urge to urinate especially at night?
Do you have a weak stream of urine?
Do you feel pain while urinating?
Do you get a feeling of not fully emptying the bladder?
Do you experience a weak erection or painful ejaculation?
Do you experience loss of bladder control?
Blood in urine?
Lump on the left or right side of the abdomen. These are signs of prostrate cancer.

Living your everyday life with the embarrassing and devastating effects of prostate conditions can be overwhelming. It is a condition that affects about 50-60 percent of men in their late 40s and above and it’s very common than you think. In this article, you will discover an amazing and highly potent solution to prostate enlargement and weak erection.

The prostate is a gland that is situated around the base of the mammalian male urethra and it is responsible for secreting and passing out fluids like semen and urine out of the body.

An enlarged prostate is also known as Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) simply means that the prostate gland has grown bigger. Enlarged prostate is a very common infection that happens to most men as they grow older.

Prostate enlargement has reached almost epidemic proportions in our modern civilization, with it being the second biggest killer of men in Africa. Many men become totally impotent as a result and some experience the added embarrassment of inconsistent and uncontrolled wetting, the psychological effect

Common Signs of Prostate Enlargement:

– Increased urination.
– Pain while urinating.
– Weak and interrupted urine stream.
– Inability to empty the bladder during urination.
– Difficulty in starting urination.
– Dribbling after urination.
– Blood in the urine
– Reduced Sexual Performance
Complications that can result if BPH is left untreated include:
– Sudden inability to urinate.
– Urinary Tract Infections (UTI’s).
– Bladder stones.
– Blood in the urine.
– Bladder damage.
– Kidney Damage.
If left untreated or not properly treated, a swollen prostate can lead to further complications in the future such as blockage or clogging of the kidney, chronic kidney disease, sudden inability to urinate, kidney damage or infections, bladder damage, etc.

In recent times, there has been an alarming prevalence of prostate issues in younger men and these men tend to ignore the early warning signs until it becomes an emergency condition.

The procedure was only a partial solution for prostate patients in the past, before American, Asian and Indian doctors found a natural way to prostate. It only removes a little portion of the enlarged prostate giving the patients relief for only a short period of time and leaving the patients with a lot more RISKS AND POTENTIAL COMPLICATIONS.

Among these risks and side effects are:

Reactions to anesthesia
Change in orgasm
Blood clots in the legs and lungs
Damage to nearby organs
Infections at the surgery site
Bleeding from the surgery
Intestine damage (May require more surgery)
Infection in the abdomen
Urinary incontinence (Urine leakage)
Changes in penis lengths.

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