Poor Communication In Relationships

Poor Communication In Relationships
Poor Communication In Relationships

In relationships, communication is about connecting and using written verbal and physical skills to meet your partner’s needs on the one hand. You offer your partner the necessary support and understand their point of view in every scenario.

Also it allows you to explain to your partner what your needs are and what you are experiencing. This is done with utmost respect and patience not arrogantly and hurriedly lest the purpose is defeated.Communication is a vital key in a relationship for the cycle of communication to be complete there must be the receiver and the transmitter. Every relationship starts with communication and it will be kept alive by effective communication

Remember if your spouse or your partner didn’t give you the right signal or signs that he or she was interested in you, the relationship would never have happened. Same way if the right messages are not effectively communicated in the right manner the relationship may not last so long.

Here are some signs of poor communication in a relationship

1. The Feeling That The Other Person Is ignoring you

How to communicate better with your girlfriend, when you realize you constantly feel your partner isn’t listening to your needs and messages, it’s a sign the communication patterns between you two should be double-checked.

2. Always Arguing

You get to have arguments in your relationships but when it becomes a norm your communication health is seriously breached. You both have to treat it with urgency because lack of understanding has been known to be a major cause of arguments. Proper communication will bring about proper understanding.

3. Always acting Defensively

Either you or your partner constantly acting defensively means one person is always attacking offensively when you both have to be honest about it. The person guilty of constant attacks should make amends If it continues then the relationship could sink because you are probably communicating in the wrong way

4. Thinking You Both Have Nothing Substantial To Talk About

This is often a result of accumulated hurt and anger often due to lack of understanding that emanated from poor communication over a period of time. Both partners may have taken themselves for granted and ignored one another over a long time.

The endpoint of any relationship is when partners don’t seem to find themselves interesting anymore. At this point, either partner may already have someone they are interested in. Cheating may have started and trust is completely broken.

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