NRFF/World Rugby holds Capacity Building Workshop For Coaches, Referees

NRFF/World Rugby holds Capacity Building Workshop For Coaches,  Referees
NRFF/World Rugby holds Capacity Building Workshop For Coaches, Referees

Determined to enthrone professionalism and consistent application of the rules of the game, the Nigeria Rugby Football Federation, NRFF in conjunction with World Rugby is holding a capacity building training for coaches and  referees in the country

The training program which will hold in Asaba, Delta State capital, will herald the kick-off of the National Youth Games billed for the Big Heart state.  

The six-day training would run from 5th to 10th September, 2023 while  participants are expected to have completed  pre-requisite modules before attending the workshop.

The courses  participants are expected to have taken  before they come for the face to face are  L1 Coaching: which include  Rugby Ready, Concussion Management for General Public, Introduction to Coaching, Key Factor analysis, among others.

Four resource persons are coming from the World Rugby namely Denver Wannies, Robert Bwali, Dr James Ondiege and  Rafatu Inusah 

The is second in series of training programs this year being organized by Nigeria Rugby Football Federation to keep their coaches and referees abreast of the latest trend in the game

Comments (1)

  • Azeez Raafiu Abimbola
    This is a welcome development,Been long awaited.

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