Nigerian wheelchair tennis player, Ukari seeks asylum in Canada over threat to life

Nigerian wheelchair tennis player, Ukari seeks asylum in Canada over threat to  life
Nigerian wheelchair tennis player, Ukari seeks asylum in Canada over threat to life


A Nigerian wheel chair tennis player,  Terlumun Williams Ukari has appealed to the Canadian Government to consider him for an asylum following series of threats to his life in his home country.

The Benue State born Ukari who travelled to Canada recently on an invitational tournament noted that coming back to Nigeria will expose him to a lot of danger as those who assassinated his  mother because of her political activities and later killed his elder brother are after his life and that of his entire family.

" I'm from Gboko,  Benue  State, North Central Nigeria  and born with disability on 5th August, 1993 in a Christian family of six. My being born with disability reduced my chances of furthering my education and acquiring certain professional skills which made it difficult for me to secure a job", began the father of one.

" I dropped out of  college because of lack of finance and tried doing some menial jobs but could not succeed due to my disability. 

"This prompted me to start living with my elder brother but because of  bad economic situation which my brother was going through, I had no option than  to relocate to the village to stay with my mother which instead of giving me joy brought sorrow and unhappiness as she was later murdered for being a strong member of opposition Labour Party in our constituency.

He further explained that while they're still mourning his mother, the same assassins struck again in February this year , killing his elder brother but was lucky to escape the assassin's bullets because he was not at home when they came.noting that the killing of his brother now made him to believe that some politicians are out to wipe out his entire family.

According to him, after this ugly incident, himself and his wife, Dorcas Foluke Shodeinde also a disable whom he met at a sporting event and married in 2022 realizing that they cannot escape the assassin's because of their disability decided to flee their home with their son and luckily enough, they got invitation to travel to Canada for sport activities which they saw  as a blessing from God to save their lives 

He noted that since they  came to Canada, they've started having hope for a better tomorrow far from gun shots and all sort of attacks both from political thugs and Fulani herdsmen and is now appealing to  the Canadian Government to give them  protection for their  lives will be in danger if  they return to their home country, Nigeria.

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