Lulu Celebrates FOSLA Academy Students On Children's Day In A Grand Style

Lulu Celebrates FOSLA Academy Students On Children's Day In A Grand Style
Lulu Celebrates FOSLA Academy Students On Children's Day In A Grand Style


Former President of NFF and Proprietor, FOSLA Academy, Alhaji Sani Lulu Abdullahi  has promised to do more to support the underprivileged children in the society by continually to provide them to develop their skills in sports.

Lulu who spoke while celebrating the Childrens day with the students of the Academy , pledge to do more in ensuring that the underprivileged enjoy that privilege through sports especially football, by proving full scholarship from secondary school through  university. 

He spoke in line with this year's international theme for the 2024 children's day which is "Investing in our future means Investing in our children."

This theme obviously tally with Lulu's philosophy in the running of the Academy. In the spirit of the children's day celebration, he made a lot of policy statements which include but not limited to improved welfare to the students and massive infrastructural development including construction of "Onuche Ogbelu Pavilion" within the next few weeks. 

In their separate vote of thanks the Headboy and the Headgirl of the Academy, Master Benjamin Alfa and Miss Amina Isah expressed their sincere appreciation to the Proprietor- Lulu for his magnanimity, selflessness and fatherhood in the past  years and prayed for longer life for him to continue to render humanitarian services which is the best work of life.They led a solidarity song in honour of the Proprietor to the delight of all.

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