Sports Legend Man Of The Year Award Excites Ben Akwuegbu

Sports Legend Man Of The Year Award Excites Ben Akwuegbu
Sports Legend Man Of The Year Award Excites Ben Akwuegbu


Former Super Eagles striker, Ben Akwuegbu, has expressed delight after he was awarded the Sports Legend Man Of the Year (2023) at a colourful ceremony in Abuja, on Wednesday, reports.

Akwuegbu, who equally captained the senior National Team at some point, was represented on the occasion by his wife, Ruth Akwuegbu, and who equally received the award on behalf of her husband, Ben Akwuegbu. understands that Ben 'Austria Bomber' absence at the award ceremony was down to the fact that he is writing his examination at the Angelia Ruskin University, London, where he's studying Mental Nurse course.

"I'm happy for the award. I really appreciate the organisers for finding me worthy for this award", Akwuegbu said to from his base in London.

"I would have loved to be present at the award ceremony. But at the moment, I'm writing my exams, hence my wife had to stand in for me to receive the award.

"It's said that to whom much is given, much is expected. So I see this award as a challenge to do more for humanity and work harder in any field I find myself.

"Once again, I say a big thank you to the organisers who deemed it proper to find me worthy for this exalted award".

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