King Sunny Ade Wants His Family To Be Happy.... Wife

King Sunny Ade Wants His Family To Be Happy.... Wife
King Sunny Ade Wants His Family To Be Happy.... Wife

Mrs. Bose Olubo-Adegeye is an actress, a singer and a naturopathic doctor based in Nigeria and the United States. She is a wife of Juju Music legend, Chief Sunday Adeniyi Adegeye popularly known as King Sunny Ade. In this interview by SAM NWAOKO, she tells her experience as wife of the legendary artiste.

How is it being the wife of a very big, busy artiste like King Sunny Ade?

It’s been wonderful. The last 32 years have been great. He has been a loving husband and a wonderful father to the children. He cares about the family a lot. He wants everybody to be happy and joyous as we see him on stage. At home King Sunny Ade wants the children to be happy and he wants to be happy among all of them. That is one of the many good things about my husband.


A happy man who wants everybody to be happy, it must be that other women love him the way you love him. Do you not mind that he is also loved by other women?

When you are a wife to King Sunny Ade, you don’t think about such. As a wife of King Sunny Ade, you are expected to play your role and you don’t mind all that because you are doing what is expected of you and your husband loves you. What should be paramount in your mind is the happy home for you and your children. Regarding the availability of other women and how I see it, I have not thought about that in a long time. I’m not the first, I’m not the second. We are all loving women in the house and we don’t habour such thoughts because it is a happy family.

Do you have ways through which you interact as a family? How do you all relate?

I met my mothers in the house – they are my mothers, they are my sisters. I met them in the house. So, this makes it easier for me. They make life very livable and enjoyable for me and I really thank them for the support. It is one very happy family. I thank God.


You combine your arts, filmmaking and now, your medical practice. How does this impact how you live and run the home? Or is it just your business?

For a very long time I’ve been living a different life for each of the roles I play. When I’m acting, I live different life as an artiste; when I’m home, I’m a full housewife and mother; when I am in the clinic, I am a medical practitioner. So, I give glory to God for the strength and for the blessing. God has been very wonderful to me; God has been very merciful to me. God has been creative with my life by moulding me into many different wonderful things. I am grateful for the strength and wisdom. I know when I have to be there at home; I know when I am to be an entertainer and I know when to attend to my patients. I still take part in some of the things we do in entertainment, I mingle with my colleagues, I love to be among them. So, I create time and allot time according to whatever role I am to play.


What entertainment role did you play with your husband? Did you sing in his band?

I did that for almost eight years when we were on tour. I had the privilege of being on stage with my husband. I come out, sometimes before he performs, to sing a track or two of his music. So, I usually sing with him.

You look like someone who can dance?

Yes, I love dancing, I can dance but I have not danced professionally. However, I’ve always been on my husband’s stage to sing some tracks before he comes on stage. I do a lot of side attractions in those days. Among the things I did as side attractions included singing some of his popular songs and I ended up with some of my own songs too.


Did you record any album?

Yes. To the glory of God I recorded six albums. Apart from the six albums, I also made 27 movies.

You might have had some expectations that were not met. What are they? Any regrets?

No regrets at all. I just keep thanking God because He did beyond my expectations. My expectations were moderate because of the kind of family I was going to. I wasn’t expecting some things and I was ready to sacrifice some things. But eventually, I ended up enjoying those things I felt I had sacrificed. I came back to those things bigger and better. I am really grateful to God that I married my husband.


What would you say are some of the unique features of Efon Alaaye, your community?

God loves Efon and Efon indigenes love Efon. When you see an indigene of Efon, you will see that that person is purely Efon, the patriotism is unmistakable. Efon indigenes are patriotic to the core that is why the town is growing today. Anywhere we are, we carry the flag of Efon and we support our traditional ruler. Efon is one of the luckiest cities in Nigeria that have really patriotic citizens.


A lot of women struggle to find their feet and gain recognition. What would you tell women in their low moments, who are finding their place culturally and socially?

They must embrace hard work and be prayerful. They must remain focussed on their dreams and shut out distraction. If you are a woman and you have something in you which you want to do, keep practicing and doing it and be praying for luck. When the luck comes it will find you ready. When we talk about luck, I think it is God. Some people will pass a place, they will not see the person they are supposed to see, and the person would be there. So while working hard, also pray to have good luck.

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