I Can't Quit Acting Because Of A Man.. Nollywood Actress

I Can't Quit Acting Because Of A Man.. Nollywood Actress
I Can't Quit Acting Because Of A Man.. Nollywood Actress

For her acting prowess, Ekene Umenwa has carved a place for herself in the movie industry.

Rather than sleep her way to the top like some of her colleagues, the Anambra State-born thespian set forth early when she acted alongside Kenneth Okonkwo and Maureen Solomon in a 2011 movie, King After Kings.

In this interview, she opened up on her journey to fame and fortune. Please enjoy it.

Tell us about how you got into the movies?

I acted drama twice in the university and people were like ‘you have some talents and stuff like that’ but I didn’t take it seriously because I was concentrating more on my studies. I acted a maid in the movie, King After Kings, which was my first in 2011. So, when I got into school, some students felt I was already a star acting alongside Kenneth Okonkwo and Maureen Solomon.

Tell us what you went through before getting to this stage?

Only recently, a lady saw me and started thanking God on my behalf. I was confused; I had to ask her ‘what is going on?’ And she told me ‘do you remember the day you had nothing to eat and you came to ask me for food?’ Yes I remember, I had nothing to eat for two days and I didn’t want to beg people for food because I was already a known actress. And I couldn’t call my mom, because she had always given me food to eat, including small money. I had to pray to God, ‘Lord unless you are not in this journey with me, may I not see food to eat. But if you are with me, let one of my neighbours come to me with food’. Lo and behold, Mommy Ella came to me and said, ‘Ekene how are you doing? I have not seen you for a while’. I said ‘I’m not feeling too good’. And she said that they cooked a nice soup and her husband insisted that I should join them to eat. I followed her immediately and ate to my satisfaction. I was even given extra food to take home. Was that not a miracle from God?

Did any of your family members try to dissuade you from acting?

My father didn’t have issue with my choice of career. It was actually his elder siblings who are my uncles that had issues with my choice of career. My uncles and their wives started talking ill about it; they told my father that he shouldn’t allow his daughter to become an actress, that they are prostitutes. My father stayed in London for almost nine years, he has the white man’s mentality so he doesn’t have a problem with my choice of career. But it was his brothers that made him not to give me the full support.

From the onset, did you envision yourself as one that would become famous in the industry?

Yes, I had this mindset that I will flourish and become famous in the movie industry; that people will ask to take selfies with me. But I actually didn’t expect the popularity so soon.

What do you think you did right to get to where you are today?

I felt what I did right to get to this level was to know God; I love to put God first before any other thing. Being a star is hard; people told me that the likes of Regina Daniels were going to be the last female stars, that before another star will emerge, it would be hard. But God did it for me.

What’s the unique thing that makes producers to want to work with you?

Yeah, I think it’s the comedy stuff that attracted them to me. And how innovative I can be too. But I don’t really see myself as a comedian even when my friends tell me that I’m funny. I only know that sometimes when we are on set, I do stuff that people take as funny. I was shocked that the first movie I did was the one that people liked the most. And that’s Indecision.

Now that you are a star, do you still keep your old friends, do you still make out time for them?

Yes, I still keep my old friends. Your old friends are your main friends; the friends you had before you became a star are your main friends. I am not saying that you won’t get real friends as a star, but you have to be careful with who you call your friend when you become a star. So, I still make out time for all my old friends.

Which actors did you look up to in your movie journey?

To be honest, I didn’t have anyone I looked up to. The only person I loved so much was Tyler Perry, and he’s not a Nigerian.

Some actors are popular but not wealthy. Do you think you are rich and famous?

The ‘rich’ depends on the angle you are coming from. A lot of actors are quite popular but not stable financially. When I was in Asaba, people saw me on screen and believed I was famous, but financially I wasn’t doing well at all. In the movie industry, some actors might be famous but not rich.

What has fame deprived you of?

It has deprived me of going to the market to buy foodstuffs. I know it sounds weird but it’s true. There are some kinds of markets I can’t go to anymore. I love to go to local markets in Asaba and Benin but I can’t anymore.

Would you say that fame has opened doors for you or shut it?

Fame has really opened doors for me; I am enjoying the opportunities that it has given me.

What situation or comment has made you cry on your journey to fame?

The journey made me suffer, it wasn’t smooth at all, I just kept believing in God. But a lot of things have made me cry, like when I failed one of my courses in school. And also, when one of my sisters got so sick but God healed her.

What is the craziest thing a fan or anyone has ever done to you?

I went for an event and the fans dragged me down from my car as I was leaving. They were like ‘we must take pictures with you today, whether you like it or not’. It was so crazy and embarrassing. I think it happened in Anambra State.

What is your advice for young, aspiring actresses who want to be famous like you? They should know that it’s not only acting or entertainment that can make someone a star. If God destined that I was going to be a doctor, I would still be a doctor and I will be unique and very popular. My advice to them is that they should know what God has destined for them. Just look for something you actually have passion for.

Apart from acting, what other businesses do you do?

I do event planning, decoration, pastries and all that.

What side of you people don’t know?

I’m a very free person, very easygoing. And sometimes I shout a lot but aside that, I’m a very easygoing person.

How would you describe your ideal man?

I like a man that knows what he wants in life, someone who loves God and is very determined. I don’t like a man that does illegal businesses; even if you are not overly rich, just be comfortable financially.

Right now, are you ready for marriage or not?

I’m ready for marriage. Marriage is very near for me.

If your husband asks you to quit acting, would you quit?

No, I won’t. My ex-boyfriend told me to quit acting and I broke up with him. I feel that whoever loves me will support my career.

What would make you more fulfilled in your career?

If I’m able to win souls for Christ with my lifestyle, and talk to young girls on why they should keep their virginity till marriage, I will be fulfilled.

As a movie star, how would you safeguard your marriage to ensure it doesn’t fail?

First and foremost, I won’t enter into marriage without seeking God. I believe that he won’t let me make a mistake; he won’t give me a wrong man. I will make sure I get married to a man who is in a tight relationship with God, one who listens to God

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