I am A Side Chick To Some Billionaires.. Borisky

I am A Side Chick To Some Billionaires.. Borisky
I am A Side Chick To Some Billionaires.. Borisky

Bobrisky, a well-known Nigerian transgender, has revealed that she is a full-time side chick to billionaires and that she does not work. She stated that she has men pay his bills and that he also has his own businesses.

It is important to note that Bobrisky's statement is his own personal experience and does not reflect the experiences of all transgender people. It is also important to note that there is nothing wrong with being a side chick or being supported by a partner.

However, it is important to be aware of the potential risks and challenges associated with these types of relationships. For example, side chicks may be more likely to experience abuse or violence, and they may also have difficulty accessing resources and support.

It is also important to remember that there is no one right way to live life. If Bobrisky is happy with his lifestyle, then that is all that matters.

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