Hurtful Things to Avoid Saying to Your Partner

Hurtful Things to Avoid Saying to Your Partner
Hurtful Things to Avoid Saying to Your Partner


Saying hurtful things in a relationship can cause irreparable damage over time. Here are 14 phrases to avoid:

1. "I wish I never met you" - can lead to emotional withdrawal
2. "You have become fat" - body shaming, damaging mental health
3. "You are crazy" - questions their reasoning and judgment
4. "You are wrong to be angry" - trivializes their emotions
5. "You don't turn me on anymore" - breaks trust, makes them feel inadequate
6. "I don't care" - stimulates fear of abandonment, erodes relationship
7. "Your parents are the reason for..." - brings back bad memories, forces them to choose
8. "I hate you" - communicates animosity, bitterness, and regret
9. "You never..." - discredits their efforts, invites fights
10. "What have you ever done for me?" - trivializes their sacrifices, makes them feel unappreciated
11. "I wish you (or we) could be like..." - unhealthy competition, makes them feel threatened
12. "You are my biggest mistake" - hurtful, makes them question your love
13. "It's your fault that..." - blame-shifting, makes you unaccountable
14. "You are selfish!" - betrayal of trust, connotes lack of appreciation

Remember, words can hurt. Be mindful of your communication, and take steps to correct mistakes and fix the relationship when needed.

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