Disadvantages of Not Kissing In Marriage

Disadvantages of Not Kissing In Marriage
Disadvantages of Not Kissing In Marriage

Kissing is often regarded as one of the most intimate and affectionate gestures in a romantic relationship. It's a simple act, yet it holds a great effect in maintaining the connection between partners.

When married couples stop kissing, it can signify more than just a shift in physical affection. It can, in fact, indicate underlying issues within the relationship. Here we list five things that can happen when married couples stop kissing and the potential consequences it can have for their relationship. 

Emotional distance grows

One of the first and also the worst consequences of married couples withholding a simple kiss is the widening emotional gap between them. Kissing is not just a physical act but also an expression of love, desire and emotional connection. When couples stop kissing, it's a clear sign that the emotional intimacy between them is fading. Without this physical act of affection, they might become more distant, leading to misunderstandings, reduced communication and feelings of loneliness. Kissing also releases oxytocin, the ‘love hormone’ and strengthens the emotional bond between couples, making them feel closer and more connected. 

​Reduced intimacy

Kissing is a gateway to other forms of physical intimacy in a romantic relationship. It ignites passion and desire, serving as a prelude to more intimate moments. When married couples stop kissing, it often results in a significant reduction in overall physical intimacy. The lack of kisses can lead to less cuddling, hugging and eventually, lesser sexual activity. This diminished physical connection can have serious consequences for the relationship. Physical intimacy not only fulfills physical desires but also nurtures a sense of security and satisfaction in the relationship. When couples forego kissing, they might miss out on the spark that leads to deeper emotional and physical connections. 

​Reduced communication

Kissing is not only an expression of affection but also a means of communication in a relationship. It conveys emotions, desires and intentions. When couples stop kissing, they may find it increasingly challenging to communicate with each other effectively. Verbal communication is important but so are non-verbal cues and gestures, like kissing. A lack of physical affection can hinder effective communication between partners. Misunderstandings can easily occur, leading to arguments and disagreements. The absence of kisses can also make it difficult to express and resolve conflicts in a healthy manner. 

​Diminished self-esteem

Kissing is not just a way of expressing affection to a partner; it's also a source of validation and self-esteem. When couples stop kissing, it can have a detrimental effect on their self-esteem and overall sense of self-worth. Kissing provides a sense of being desired, loved and attractive to one's partner, which boosts self-confidence. Without regular kisses, individuals may start to question their desirability and attractiveness. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy and insecurity, which may further hinder the emotional connection between spouses. 

​Increased risk of infidelity

When married couples stop kissing, they create an environment for potential infidelity. While not all infidelity arises from a lack of physical affection, it can be a contributing factor. When individuals feel unfulfilled and emotionally distant in their marriage due to the absence of physical affection, they may be more susceptible to seeking that missing intimacy elsewhere. In many cases, infidelity is not just about physical attraction but also about finding emotional connection and validation. If a partner's emotional needs are not met within the marriage, they may be tempted to seek it outside the relationship. 

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