Abia FA Youth Coaches Training Gets 4th September Date

Abia FA Youth Coaches Training Gets 4th September Date
Abia FA Youth Coaches Training Gets 4th September Date


The maiden edition of the Abia State Football Association Youth Coaches Workshop will hold on Monday 4th September 2023 in Umuahia. 

According to the Chairman of the Football Association Rev.( Dr) Obioma Onyeaghala, the training workshop which is being packaged by the Youth Development Committee of the FA, will feature selected Coaches from the 17 Local Football Councils in the State. 

The Guest Lecturer of the day will be FIFA trained instructor and Chairman of Abia Warriors FC of Umuahia, Coach John Obuh. He will handle the practical  and theoretical sessions of the program. 

Also, Retired FIFA Referee Charles Nwokocha will educate the Coaches on recent changes in the Laws of the Game. 

The Chairman said the program will be anchored by the former Vice Chairman of FCT Football Association Patrick Ngwaogu (Odogwu Ndi Abia) who is the Chairman of Youth Development Committee of the FA.

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