Abia 2024 Teqball World Championship Qualifier: What To Know About The Sport

Abia 2024 Teqball World Championship Qualifier: What To Know About The Sport
Abia 2024 Teqball World Championship Qualifier: What To Know About The Sport

By: Chuks Ogbu 

 From the 17th to 20th July 2024 all roads would lead to Aba Abia State as the 2024 Teqball World Championship Qualifier would be held in the commercial city.

Some may ask, what is Teqball,
Is it a sport, what is it's origin?

Teqball is a football and table tennis based sport played on a specially curved table (the Teq Table) and is one of the latest and fastest growing sports globally. 

Teqball was founded in Budapest, Hungary in 2014 with National Federations across the world including Nigeria. Teqball has consistently held  world championships and is set to  become an Olympic Sport by 2028.

The game has since it's origin has  attracted elite athletes and amateur enthusiasts alike whose ambition is to develop their technical skills, concentration and stamina. 

Teqball games are played between two opponents(singles) or two teams of two (doubles) and brings a unique opportunity for competitors to compete with whomever they’d like, irrespective of gender. Games are played with a points-based scoring format where points can be scored with any part of your body except your arms or hands. 

Teqball can be played on various surfaces including sand, turf or indoor courts. The sport is non-contact between players or between the players and the table, helping eliminate the risk of impact injuries. 

Players are given a maximum of three touches before returning the ball to the opponent and control of the ball, using technique and finesse is far superior than strength in this sport, which levels the playing field between men and women.

Teqball was introduced to Nigeria in the year 2018.

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